UnF*ck Your Money

Abundance Activation

Nadine Zumot

Day 3 Financial Empowerment Present 🎁

Welcome back, everyone!

This episode, and the accompanying gift carry activation codes that are designed to reignite abundance from within. 

I would love for you to step into the new year armed with a certain depth to your financial confidence that allows you to not only achieve your goals, but to be able to handle whatever curveballs are thrown at you. 

In this episode, I'll also be challenging you to redefine what abundance means, steering clear of number-crunching and the traditional markers of success and start looking at how you can activate your innate coding for abundance from within. 

It's time to switch the narrative and see how you have an active role to play in this lifetime and how you belong in the driver's seat of your life.

Here's to the peace and prosperity of our planet,

❤️ Nadine


Explore my 3 month Wealth Program MOMENTUM ⭐️ HERE ⭐️

Thank you for being here ❤️

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~Podcast theme song by
The Jilted Irony

Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome back to the Money Healing Podcast. This is episode number three of the Financial Empowerment series that we have going on here on the Money Healing Podcast at the end of 2023. So today is December 24th as I'm recording this, and if you haven't had a chance already, or if you're listening to this recording later on, welcome wherever you are, whatever you might be doing, and I hope that you get to catch up on episodes one and two. Episode number one was all about emotional mastery and regulation for holding in abundance and for financial empowerment, and the second episode is all about becoming more active, more actively involved in your finances, as opposed to being a little bit avoidant or we sometimes tend to be a little bit avoidant or we take a step back but this is a very how do you say it? It's an introductory way of becoming more involved as a self-leader in your finances, and I also share a little gift at the end of each episode and I hope you enjoy them. My whole thing is that I really want you to go into the new year with this feeling of I don't want you to be like, oh, oh, my God, I've got these massive money goals and I'm going to smash them because, hey, let's just get real here.

Speaker 1:

Things are really not going according to what we know. Things are changing very rapidly in this world and let's just be honest here, this was a very tough year for all of us and maybe on a personal level, you had the best year of your life and that's great. I personally had a really good year, but as a collective, as the collective humanity, we had a really crappy year. We've witnessed so much violence. We've witnessed so much separation, so much bloodshed, so much unfairness, injustice. It's just been really shocking for everyone. Anybody who is a human being living in 2023, you have been affected in direct and indirect ways with the horribleness that's happening in the world right now. And it's very understandable that you might not be in a celebration mode right now. We all think that it's the end of the year and we're all gearing up to spend time for Christmas with our families, new Year's Eve, celebrations, all that. But it's very understandable if you are not feeling good, or maybe you're not even into being in a celebration mode, or maybe you just simply did not have a good year, and that is absolutely fine, because where you're at is where you're at. We're not going to sugarcoat things. We're not going to silver line things here. We're just going to be real. Some of us had had a she-ear and some of us had had a medium year and some people had a really good year. But wherever we're at, we can all agree that it was a really crappy year for humanity. And wherever we are today, looking back 12 months ago, we are probably not where we want to be, and that, again, is okay. I'm just going to keep repeating it's okay.

Speaker 1:

And none of this, not a single one of this has to do with how worthy you are or how hard you believe in your worth. It is all working, all the work that you've been doing on yourself, whether you're doing it alone, with your mentor, with your therapist, or maybe you've got a whole team. It is working, even if sometimes you look at your life and you're like what the hell is going on? I thought things were working and then they're not, and that's the thing. It goes up and down, around and around.

Speaker 1:

And if I were to instill one lesson here and this is a lesson that I personally had to learn the hard way, the hard way is that the harder and the stronger you love yourself, the more you love and accept yourself, the easier your life will become. Take it from me I really had to learn this the hard way, because I used to believe that if I didn't accept myself, then I won't accept the negative things that I perceived. But that was just adding insult to injury. As they say, the more I loved myself, the the better my life became. So love yourselves into transformation. Don't hate or punish yourselves into transforming anything about your lives You're, if you're into transfer, trans transforming your appearance, for example. Like, typically want to. People want to lose weight at the beginning of the year. Yay, we want to save more money. Yay, we want to do all that. Great, awesome, great. I'm all about transformation, but just doing it with love, not with punishment, okay. So I Really want to also share a very important message with you as we wrap up the money healing podcast for 2023. This important message is Something that I Strongly and wholeheartedly believe in. It is something that I have dedicated every Freakin waking hour towards Just to instill this message, whether it's through for myself or my clients. So the podcast with my friends in person, my friends on zoom, whatever I just want to instill this very important thing, and it might sound redundant because you've probably heard me say it million times before, but please listen to me. Listen to me very loud and clear.

Speaker 1:

As I say abundance is not a number. Abundance is a feeling you feel and Connect to in your body. Abundance is not a number in the bank account, it is not a number of followers, it is not the number of downloads or whatever. It is a feeling, a Felt sense of knowing in your body. It is something that is encoded in your DNA. It's not something you become, it's something you reconnect to because we have been disconnected from it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, ever since we were young, we became, as human beings, disconnected from that feeling of abundance. We were programmed, and I'm not meaning any, I'm not like Alluding to any conspiracy theory here. I don't even want to talk about trauma today. I want to talk about how, from our Infancy, when we had to reach out to outside of us to receive what we need you know we were children, we were babies, we were infants. We couldn't give ourselves love, connection, food, milk we had to reach out to other people our guardians, our caregivers to give that to us. What happens is that then we internalize the belief that comfort, abundance, our needs, come from the outside. They used to. They used to when we were helpless babes, but they, they don't. They actually don't. They come from the inside.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we are wired for abundance. Our DNA knows what abundance feels like, because we are as Wired for growth and prosperity just as the tree that you see outside your window right now. There is nothing different, that we're not different as humans. The other thing is that we, regardless of what religion you grew up with, there was this Kind of like unspoken agreement that humans are just like innately lazy and greedy and sinful. And no, we're not. We are as worthy and as abundant and as as lovable as the flowers in the trees and the sky that you see.

Speaker 1:

Okay, please stop looking at outside. Proof that you are worthy and abundant. Stop that. Stop that, because what you're doing is you're Really ruining the present moment, because what is life? Life is just one moment, next moment, next moment. It's just a combination of moments, and if we are not here, if we are not present in every moment in our lives, we're losing out on living. We're losing out on something that is even more precious than money, and of course, of course I don't live under a rock, of course it may. It makes things difficult when we are worried about finances, when we're worried about how we're gonna bring food to the table, how we're gonna keep the lights on, and that is fair. That is fair and it's very fair, very Understandable, and it makes sense to be worried about that and that, of course, will rob you from enjoying the present moment. That situation doesn't define you. It doesn't define your worth, and you will get through it. You will get through it and even if you know, sometimes people do get through it and they're on the other side but they're too scared to let go.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we are stuck in old stories of scarcity and the question is what comes first? Scarcity or abundance is really about how you lead yourself through any situation that you're in with life, and I have this abundance activation meditation that I recorded for you earlier today. It's a gift from me to you. I popped it in the show notes and I hope you download it and you enjoy it. And the idea of it here, like the idea of it's not just like any old abundance meditation. It is a meditation that is designed with codes that are put there to activate the abundance that is inside of your body already, like I said, so much happens, we didn't even get into trauma. So much happens in our lives since we are born. That conditions us to seek abundance from the outside.

Speaker 1:

But this meditation, do it once, do it 20,000 times. It's yours, do whatever you want with it, but it works. What it's supposed to do is it activates the codes inside of you that makes you you know how sometimes we don't see. We don't see things that are in front of us. This meditation is going to start to help you decondition from only noticing scarcity and starting to also see abundance, and slowly starting to notice abundance that is around you, because it is around you, okay.

Speaker 1:

And this abundance is invaluable. It's unquantifiable. I don't know if that's a word, but you cannot put quantity on your abundance Right. We cannot say I'm as abundant as a million followers. No, that's not how it works. Abundance is that feeling you get when you look at a child's eyes, when you witness their freedom, their freedom of expression, their happiness, that beautiful, naive curiosity, that playfulness, or even like when you look at this amazing view when you're out on a hike and you're like, oh my God, that is abundance.

Speaker 1:

It's not how much money you have in your bank account and I speak to many people and I want to include myself in this is that what I want to say is that we do come from hard circumstances and, believe it or not, you all. Sometimes I have clients that have come from a lot of money but still had very difficult childhoods and very severe money wounds. So, whether you came from poverty, abuse or parents that were just very hard on you or neglectful parents, we all had to work very hard to change our lives around. Wherever you are now, you worked hard to get here, even if it's not as good as you'd like it to be. But sometimes, even when we work hard, we don't have that sense of peace and joy that we imagined would happen.

Speaker 1:

When we get to this point B If life right now is point B we don't feel like we want to feel, and I honestly thought and thought and thought about this for so long. I thought about why do we still feel scarcity when we have rewired ourselves to see how worthy we are? Or why do we still feel fear when our life looks different? When we're where we want to be, we still don't feel like we want to be and sometimes we feel scarcity because we are in scarcity. Okay, if your life feels hard right now and your income is not enough, that's fair enough.

Speaker 1:

You are in a situation where there is actual scarcity. But you can also be someone who is in between worlds, where you're transforming an old reality and walking into a new one. Things are in transition and it's very difficult to let go and relax when things are in transition and sometimes you are like I was saying in that second, in that like third reality, where you've completely changed and transformed, but you're still holding onto that scarcity because it feels familiar and also because it feels safe, because you feel like, if you keep holding onto it, you keep reminding yourself to work hard so you don't fall back into the old story, into the old reality. And you know, the funny thing is that I know so many people that get hit by very big tax bills because they try to explain it here. So what happens is that throughout the year they're improving and they're quantum leaping into a new realities of abundance, but they still believe that they're scarce, they still believe in lack, that whatever they're doing is not enough, and they end up sending the same amount of quarterly taxes to the taxation company or office that they did before and then it takes them. They need the taxation office to tell them hey yo, you made double what you used to make. So they have that shift in reality. Once they see that they're actually paying more taxes, it's very funny. It's not funny, I mean, it's really shitty to get a big tax bill. But when you realize that that tax bill actually means that you are like for real, for real in a different reality, so we can change our financial circumstances and make a shit ton of money, but we can still be subscribed to the old scarcity consciousness. And I think what we're doing, what we're all doing here, is that we're missing the mark.

Speaker 1:

The mark is that abundance is a feeling. It's not a goal, and we all know it at a cellular level. Like I was saying earlier, it is in our nature, it is in our DNA. We are all wired to feel abundant and it's not something that we build from scratch. It's something that we activate because it became dormant due to everything that happened in our world. Okay, so actually I don't want to say that abundance is a feeling. It's more of a knowing. Yeah, it's not a feeling. Of course, it's something you feel, but it's a knowing that gets reactivated.

Speaker 1:

I think that's a little bit more accurate when I say it this way it's a knowing in your heart, it's a knowing in your subconscious mind, but it's also because it's something that you know on such a knowing, felt, sense level. That's why our conscious mind shreds it to pieces when there's no traditional proof that it's real, right. So if we know something on a subconscious feeling level and your subconscious mind is like what do you mean? That's not what I know. That's when it shreds it into pieces. It's not quantifiable, but your mind only is conditioned to us. Your mind only is conditioned to understand numbers and tangible things. That's why we doubt it, that's why we discount it, that's why we dismiss it and that's why we shame ourselves for not being where we think we should be, okay. So if we keep believing in this conditioning, the conditioning that says that abundance comes from outside of us, then we are going to keep chasing numbers, whether it's a number in the bank account or whatever it is, we're going to keep chasing and we're never, never going to feel like we're enough, okay.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we're going to talk about trauma really briefly, right? So it does come from our ancestors. Our ancestors had a completely different reality to us. They worked so hard to give us the reality that we're in. Okay, they suffered through wars, they had to rebuild our whole world, the weathered circumstances that the average person now would be like ew, oh my God, no way about, right? So they did all that so that us, the next generation, will have a different life.

Speaker 1:

But us, we shrug our shoulders and be like, oh, this is not enough. I want it to look this way and I'm not making fun of you, I'm making fun of myself too. Right, I feel like when we're doing that, when we're like that's not, it's supposed to, I'm supposed to have a million followers and thousands of dollars in my savings account, that's a childish behavior. I make this childish voice to show you that that is a part of us that is still in childhood, that it comes from that belief that it all comes from the outside, like I was saying earlier, okay, and it's because of our natural limitations as children. So let's go a little bit deeper. Let's talk about trust or lack of trust, when we don't trust that this abundance has got to last, or when we don't trust it that it could be that simple.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we come across a transformation in our financial lives from a very simple tweak in our messaging, or even finding a job that is more aligned with you, then we start doubting it because it came too easy, okay. So the question becomes how sustainable were the things that you did that changed your circumstances? How much of your own health and time and energy did you, did you sacrifice to get this abundance? Because sometimes, if it's too easy, we don't believe it, but sometimes, if it's too hard, what happens is that your psyche is telling you, hey, this abundance is gonna go away because the way it was attained wasn't sustainable. If it was obtained in a way that is, extracting from yourself and you had to work very, very, very hard and you had to over exert your body and your creativity and you ignored other aspects of your life to shift your reality, then I'm telling you this is not sustainable and your subconscious mind is telling you this is gonna go away because your body cannot sustain this. Okay, so we still operate in from that survival mode. That's what happens.

Speaker 1:

So these are the thoughts that I get when I hang out with a lot of practitioners and masterminds. I see how people that are way ahead of me financially and in their marketing that are perhaps even complaining or feeling hurt or feeling misheard in the same way that I am, and I'm like, wow, even you you who has a multimillion dollar business and you've been in business for 15 years have the same issues I'm having. So it brings me to the word fulfillment. It brings me to how fulfilled we felt while we are trying to achieve the thing that we want to achieve and, honestly, I am always so surprised by how divinely guided CFA is. Cfa Create, fulfilling Abundance is the six month program that I have for my students who want to go through my programs and the word fulfillment is in the name of that program and it just tells me how abundance is just abundance.

Speaker 1:

But when we are anchoring into that feeling of fulfilling abundance, that's when we give it more meaning, that's when we feel like we're standing for something, we're standing up for our own fulfillment. So all of this is going to be activated in the meditation that is attached to this episode and we need you and we, the world needs you to have that abundance gene activated. Okay, I don't think there's an abundance gene, but get what I mean. I want, and I believe that every single one of us, if we stop subscribing to the fact that we've been fed to the lie, actually that we've been fed that abundance comes from outside of us and start anchoring in inside of us, anchoring within and radiating what the world needs right now. That is when a shift will happen. Okay, when we keep chasing outside of us, we are going to continue perpetuating cycles of want, chase, greed. I'm not saying you're greedy, I'm just saying that the world right now, as it is, is built on the consciousness of scarcity.

Speaker 1:

To activate abundance consciousness, you need to feel it within you first. Abundance doesn't happen within you when you obtain things from outside of you. The things that come on the outside of you that become manifest in your 3D reality. They are just a manifestation of the activation of the abundance that is inside of you. So we need to activate that within us and that is what's going to radiate out. That is what's going to change our behaviors, that is what's going to see life as a collaboration as opposed to a competition, and that is going to change our reality.

Speaker 1:

Whether you are an influencer on Instagram that has 10 million followers, or you don't even go on social media and you have a small, really cozy life where it's just you, your family. You matter just as much because you are exuding and radiating this vibrational frequency of abundance that is going to have bigger effects on the people around you. People can sense your energy, whether online or in person. It doesn't matter whether you have a small community or a big community, in real life or in person. Your responsibility is to unsubscribe from scarcity consciousness and activate that abundance that is inside of you. It is not your birthright, but it is your nature. But we fall asleep to your nature. We forget who we are because of all the messages that come from the outside. It's time that we stop that. It's time that we just remember who the fuck we are, remember how fucking powerful we are, and stop allowing this self-doubt that is fed to us from media, the fear. We need to put a stop to that, because we really need to change our reality. We really need to change the trajectory and the future of our planet, and it begins with you, every single one of you. This is a movement. It's not a movement I'm leading, it's a movement you're leading. Each and every single one of us is responsible to change your reality by changing what is. What is it that you feed yourself? What is it that you feed your soul Is it fear or is it love? Because that's gonna affect your behaviors and that's gonna affect how you feel about yourself. So, with that, I wish you all a very happy and very prosperous 2024.

Speaker 1:

I want to thank every single one of you who has been on this journey with me as I evolved this podcast Earlier this year. This podcast was called Beyond the Fear. I still love that name, but I know that it will reach more people when I include what it's about in the title, because we don't need more budgets, we don't need more scarcity tactics. We need money healing, and this is what this is about. Money healing is reactivating the abundance that is inside of you, reactivating your true nature.

Speaker 1:

So thank you so much, especially to those of you who have left reviews, reached out via DMs or email, sent me topics that they would like to hear about. You will be listening to whatever suggestions that you sent to me. You will be hearing that throughout 2024. And thank you to all of you who, from listeners, became students. I love you and I am so honored to be walking alongside of you on this journey, because it's not easy, but we're gonna do it. We're all in this together. I will love you. I'll leave you. See you in 2024 and bye for now.

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