UnF*ck Your Money

Healing with The Eight Money Archetypes

Nadine Zumot

We all have a money story. And this story preconditions us to feel and act in certain ways when it comes to money, impacting our sense of worth and financial wellness. 

In this episode, I introduce the 8 Money Archetypes, one of the most effective tools I use with my clients inside my programs. 

Using the 8 Money Archetypes will help you gain a more understanding and compassionate perspective on your money habits, even those that have been frustrating you for many years. 

And once you start looking at these habits from the lens of protection, your journey towards healing and transformation will begin. 

Using the money archetypes, my clients have been able to

  • Save thousands of dollars.
  • Pay off thousands of dollars worth of debt. 
  • Make sound financial decisions 
  • Heal debilitating financial anxiety.
  • Earn more money.
  • Build financial plans that they are excited to follow. 
  • Leverage their strengths.
  • Establish financial boundaries.
  • Remain balanced when life throws curveballs at them.

I hope you enjoy this episode, and don’t forget to download the accompanying workbook that’s here in the show notes! 


Deborah’s Book about Money and The 8 Money Archetypes is called
Money Magic: Unleashing Your True Potential for Prosperity & Fulfillment. 

To find out your Money Archetypes visit my website.

Download your free archetype workbook, HERE! 

Explore my 3 month Wealth Program MOMENTUM ⭐️ HERE ⭐️

Thank you for being here ❤️

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~Podcast theme song by
The Jilted Irony

Speaker 1:

Having different parts is normal. I feel like throughout my 42 years of life here on earth, and also through helping clients and even seeing my friends and family, I feel like it's very normal for all of us to see that we're all made up of different parts, and there are parts of us when it comes to money. There are parts of us that are disciplined. There are parts of us that are fun, loving and whimsical and want to be spontaneous. There are parts of us that are scared shitless of money and parts of us that just are pushy. And here's the thing 98% of your financial behaviors are subconscious. I have found that we are all conditioned to relate to money in eight different ways, and this is why, to heal your relationship with money, you must first reveal what parts of you, or what archetypes, are getting in the way of you achieving your financial goals. So here we are today. We are going to be diving into money archetypes in this episode of the money healing podcast, and the archetypes the eight money archetypes I will be talking about today are a really good way for you to access your subconscious money wounds that manifest as unwanted money habits. So, whether you are an overspender and over saver, a combination of both. Whatever it is, it will be very easily revealed to you once you start understanding the eight money archetypes. This is why I am so, so, so excited to share this podcast episode with you to help you understand the origins of any limiting beliefs and any of your unwanted self sabotaging behaviors with money. I want you like. The aim of this podcast episode is for you to better understand your relationship with money and your subconscious patterns that are running your finances, so you can, you know, move or like, heal the patterns that are getting in the way, and for you to create a life that makes you happy, so you're no longer held back by money wounds. So grab your favorite beverage and stay tuned. We are going to dive in straight after this intro.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Money Healing podcast as space for revels and dreamers, healers and soul seekers, lightworkers and rule breakers, artists and creators who are ready to break free from fear and live a life that turns them on. Hey, I'm Nadine Zommelt and in my early twenties I broke free from an oppressive culture in the Middle East that was suffocating my free spirit and denying me the ability to follow my intuition. I now embrace a life that exceeds my wildest imagination, and my mission is to guide you to do the same. For many years, I suffered from money wounds that manifested as scarcity and a lack of self worth, and for the past 10 years I worked tirelessly on healing these money wounds. But at the time, what I found out there in the money world was highly frustrating. It was either focused on too much discipline or too much on manifestation and building a positive money mindset. When you have money wounds around scarcity, safety and your sense of self worth, positive affirmations, budgets and just hoping that money will land on your lap will not heal your money wounds, and this is why I developed my Money Healing Blueprint, which I teach on this podcast and through my mentoring programs. I want to teach you exactly how I was able to break free from my oppressive scarcity and my low self worth wounds so you too can transform your reality into a series of fuck, yes, pinch me moments of pure joy and abundance, because abundance is your birthright. Not just any abundance, but the yummy, fulfilling kind that enriches your life and even enriches your soul.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the podcast. I have been hearing a lot from all of you just loving, loving, loving the past few episodes. So in the month of July we talked about self worth with Gemma De Durean. We talked about fear of abundance with my friend Ryan Roy. We dove into Money and the Enneagram and only last week I shared an episode about harnessing the superpowers of human design with Kristin Kilberg. So I hope you enjoyed these episodes. I did, they were awesome and I was wanting to have this really fun, upbeat energy to the podcast, since it was summer here in the Northern Hemisphere, and to carry on from that theme of fun.

Speaker 1:

Today we're going to be diving into the eight Money archetypes. Before further ado, without further ado, I mean, let's give credit where credit is due my mentor, deborah Price, from the Money Coaching Institute. What's up, deborah, I know you're listening in. Hello, thank you so much for all the work that you've done to pave the way for us money coaches and mentors, because Deborah has been a money coach for several decades now, maybe since I was born, who knows and she has throughout her years, she saw that there's eight ways people relate to money and that's how she created the eight Money archetypes which I use as one of the tools in my coaching and mentorship programs. Just using, just diving into my passion for polyvagal theory and the nervous system and also parts work I was able to also build upon what Deborah has created as a foundation. So in this podcast episode we will be diving into these and also, if you're interested in joining any of my one-on-one mentorship programs or create fulfilling abundance, which is my 12-week group coaching program, we will be diving into them in detail.

Speaker 1:

And people love the archetypes. People love, love, love using archetypes to heal their money wounds, because they're tangible and they're a great way for us to stop demonizing our unwanted money habits and start understanding them as a way that your psyche is protecting you. So why am I so fucking passionate about money archetypes? So through understanding your money archetypes, you can evaluate your motivations and your unconscious blueprint in relation to money. You will also be able to reveal the real reason real reason behind any internal or external conflicts you might have with your finances that are preventing you from reaching your goals and manifesting abundance. And looking at your nervous system response to money from this archetypal perspective can provide a creative way to better understand and heal your limiting pattern. So maybe you're new to the podcast. I'm very big on looking at how our nervous system informs our relationship with money and the archetypes are a really good way to embody these nervous system responses.

Speaker 1:

The archetypes will also help you shed light on the more painful or hidden or shunned aspect of your personality and your beliefs and your memories that are lurking in the shadows as money wounds. And also, whether you grow up rich, whether you grow up poor, you will have all eight money archetypes within you. So if you go on my website, wwwsaveamillioncentscom, and you do the money archetype quiz, you are going to get your results and you might see that some of these archetypes are passive and some of them are active. Okay, so whether these archetypes are passive or active on your chart, it doesn't mean that you don't have them. You have all eight of them, just active and passive, varying degrees based on where you're at in your life right now.

Speaker 1:

So I am going to be sharing a 22 page workbook to help you work on your money archetypes. You will find out how you can download this workbook in the show notes. Down in the show notes, you're going to see a section that says claim your free gift and it will tell you how you can get your copy of this workbook. That will help you, and in this workbook I will show you how, for example, when I first started on my money healing journey, my tyrant archetype was at a certain percentage, but how healing my other archetypes made that tyrant archetype a little bit more subdued, where it's not hijacking my relationship with money. I'll tell you all about that later on. So we are going to get into the archetypes, so stay tuned.

Speaker 1:

So, going back to why I love these archetypes, is because, regardless of your socioeconomic status whether it's in your background or your current status, or your different culture or education or upbringing you will have all of these eight archetypes and the interaction or the dance between these archetypes is going to be a telltale sign of how you relate to money. And also, by uncovering your main protector parts or the self sabotaging as they are called in mainstream, I call them protector parts by uncovering the main ones that are actually driving your financial behaviors, your journey towards healing and transforming yourself into a money magician becomes clearer. That is why I love the money archetypes and, in general, healing your money wounds will involve understanding that these archetypes are protectors and becoming aware of the positive, protective intention of each part, understanding the specific purpose of each archetype. So these archetypes yes, they might be portraying themselves in unwanted or self sabotaging behaviors. But, first and foremost, we have to know what is actually in the way between you and your financial goals, but also what is the positive intention of these archetypes, because these archetypes were created by your psyche to actually protect you. Ok, so we need to understand what they're trying to protect you from. We need to understand how they were evolved, how they evolved, meaning at what age, and how they were actually a coping mechanism, and we need to appreciate how they kept you safe. And we need to learn how to hold space for them. So they're not hijacking your money journey, but you are holding space for them and understanding them by embracing their wisdom and their gifts, by bringing them along with you on your money healing journey.

Speaker 1:

However, not allowing them to drive, by releasing the money wounds that each archetype holds, because these archetypes are in your subconscious. Remember I was saying earlier 98% of your financial behaviors are subconscious and they are manifested through the money archetypes. And healing and understanding your shadow parts and accepting your true self capital T, capital S that is also part of the healing journey, so that you learn how to trust your warrior and magician parts. We will get into that and lead from their energy as opposed to leading from the energy of your shadow parts, and also learning how to regulate your nervous system accordingly is part of how you heal your money wounds. We won't be getting into healing and regulating your nervous system today, but I have covered that a little bit in previous episodes and also I covered that extensively inside to create fulfilling abundance. So, if you'd like to get on the waitlist again, how you get on the waitlist and take advantage of the I think it's a 35% discount at the moment in the show notes, all in the show notes. So through developing a deeper understanding of money archetypes, my clients whether my one on one clients or my CFA clients create fulfilling abundance clients and also the money sanctuary clients. They've been able to save thousands of dollars, pay off thousands of dollars of debt, make sound financial decisions, heal debilitating financial anxiety, earn more money, build financial plans that they are actually excited to follow, leverage their strength, establish financial boundaries that are healthy and remain balanced when life throws curveballs at them. So let's dive into the eight money archetypes Now.

Speaker 1:

I like to always start with the innocent archetype. So the innocent archetype is the part of you that got hurt. So we all have, whether you've had a happy childhood or a sad childhood where you have, like, big T traumas or small T traumas. As a child you just did not have the resources or the maturity to cope with certain circumstances that triggered your nervous system, that were too much, too soon for your nervous system. That is pretty much, in a nutshell, the definition of trauma. So your innocent part, your innocent archetype, is the part of you that got stuck in hurt, that got stuck in the pain.

Speaker 1:

The deepest fear of that innocent archetype that's within you remember all eight of them are inside of you their deepest fear is abandonment and that part of you believes that money is scary. And when that part of you is driving, they can manifest as the complete avoidance of looking at money or playing small and be risk averse Sometimes playing small and being risk averse is not actually good for your financial evolution and feeling powerless and it can also manifest as indecisive. So if your innocent archetype is driving, you might be indecisive. You might feel powerless with money, you might avoid money, you might spend money to avoid feeling unsafe or you might hoard money if you're feeling unsafe and the overarching, I would say, belief is money is hard to come by and there will never be enough. So more of a scarcity thing or more money will save me and give me security. So write these down or you can just get the workbook that is attached in the show notes. So in this workbook it's a 22 page workbook where I outline each archetype and I give you self coaching, prompts and practices to help you heal this archetype within you.

Speaker 1:

So when you identify with the innocent part, with that sweet inner child that is scared inside of you, that is hurt inside of you but is also your financial advisor, like that's a big question that I ask my clients how old is your financial advisor when they're exhibiting these what's it called, these innocent archetype behaviors? And oftentimes their financial advisor is like five or six year old. Because when the innocent archetype is driving, like I said, like it will show itself as indecisiveness, as like staying small. So ask yourself how old is that young part? And what are they trying to say to you? What does that young part want you to know? What can you do to help them start trusting you? Because there is a part of you that's that young part, that part of you that's that innocent archetype, and a part of you that is, you know present day you. So how can that young part of you start trusting present day you? I also have a bunch of other self coaching prompts in the workbook, so make sure you download that to get more.

Speaker 1:

The second archetype is the victim archetype. The victim archetype is the part of you that is that has been betrayed and their deepest fear is to be betrayed again. If you have an active victim archetype, or if anything triggers your victim archetype and makes it go from passive to active, what you will see is that you will become highly emotional with money, you become attached to old stories and negative experiences and you will always feel betrayed by money and people. And, like I said, something did happen in your past that triggered this sense of betrayal. But here's the medicine for this the healing lesson if you are somebody that has the victim archetype is that your power lies within alchemizing your pain. You are your spirit and not what happened to you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so sometimes when I see somebody with a high, with a highly active victim archetype is that I see them having repeated debt cycles. They are able to pay off debt and then all of a sudden they find themselves in debt again. They are really judgmental and angry and resentful of the money system. That's happening and, like I said, so, remembering who you are, focus on empowering yourself and understanding that your power lies within you and not outside of you. A lot of times when we're in our victim, we are waiting for someone to come and save us. However, that is not the healing lesson for you if you have a high victim and the next archetype is the warrior archetype.

Speaker 1:

So the warrior archetype is actually something that I try to cultivate with my clients. So the warrior part of you is the practically savvy part. It is the ultimate protector. But sometimes, if the warrior is not balanced by a healthy dose of magician, the warrior can become either a martyr or a tyrant. But before we go into those, let's talk about the warrior a little bit. The warrior is the part of you that is goal oriented, that is disciplined, that is strategic, that is in control, that is decisive, that is a discerning spender, that sticks to the money plan, that knows how to budget, that is in alignment with their values. But the thing is sometimes when we are not balanced we don't have a balanced warrior and magician the warrior becomes a little bit faulty and the healing lesson with the warrior is how to surrender and how to trust and how to allow things to just unfold. So that's why we need to have the warrior balanced with the magician. So if you're finding yourself a little bit too rigid with money, ask yourself how can you allow more flexibility and spontaneity and flow into your life and how can you embrace uncertainty and be open to new opportunities that arise as a result? So, hint, hint, the answer to these questions is relaxing and trusting and cultivating the magician, which we will get into later on in this episode. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Now we have covered the innocent, the victim and the warrior. If the warrior is not balanced, it might swing on one side of the pendulum and become the martyr archetype. The martyr archetype's deepest fear is being unworthy or not good enough. So if you have a high martyr archetype, you might find yourself being the rescuer all the time. You are overly generous, you overspend because you want everybody to be happy and you go out of your way, but in a way that is taking away from you. So it's like you're giving from an empty cup, which will result you becoming stressed and resentful. You have loose financial boundaries.

Speaker 1:

When I started off in my coaching journey, I had a very strong martyr archetype and my financial boundaries were crap, meaning I had really loose money what's it called, like payment plans and I was always depleted financially where I put everybody ahead of me. So healing that was really really good for everyone because I was no longer giving from an empty cup and I was no longer like secretly resentful. It was really early on in my journey and I caught it really early, so that was good. So when you're in your martyr archetype, you're overspend, you overgive, you're overly generous. You give to a point where you might even make people uncomfortable and that's why saving money is difficult for you and you have the stress-frazzled energy of everything's too difficult. So the general belief for a martyr archetype is I have to work my ass off and give a lot of value in order to make money. I will bend over backwards for my boss, for my clients, for the algorithm, because they are my security. If I give and I give, one day I might be seen and then I will be appreciated and then I will receive.

Speaker 1:

So when you're in your martyr archetype, you have difficulty receiving because you are closed off to receiving. You're just giving. There's no balance between the giving and receiving. And also, when we are putting everybody ahead of us, we're secretly or subconsciously not secretly, subconsciously giving this message to the universe that we're not important, that everybody else is more important to us. So if you have a high martyr, no shame. I used to be, I used to have a high martyr, but what helped me was embodying enoughness and opening to receive. So what really helped me was understanding where in my body did I feel this overgiving? Where in my body did I feel the martyr archetype? For me, it was when I felt a contraction in my upper, back, in my shoulders. That is when I know that I'm like going towards my overgiving cycle and understanding what brought it on, what happened that made my nervous system feel like it has to protect me, and usually that happening, that thing that happened, has made me, on a subconscious level, feel inadequate, and it's because of past trauma. So, and then I ask myself, how can I relax, how can I open up and how can I give myself the very thing that I am wanting from people, and what does my soul need? So that is the martyr archetype.

Speaker 1:

The next one is the tyrant archetype. The tyrant archetype's deepest fear is a fear of failure. The tyrant archetype is the part of you that wants to hold on to money. It's the money hoarder. It's the stingy, greedy part of you. This is money and status to manipulate others. So having money means you're successful. People that have more money than you mean that they're more successful and more worthy than you. We are always grasping and chasing, like have this chasing energy with money. So that's when we know that we're in our tyrant archetype. We're overly calculating, we're controlling and fixated on profit. Profit first kind of thing. Money is a symbol of status and success. We are highly critical of ourselves. If we go over budget, we criticize ourselves. If we overspend, we criticize ourselves and then we put ourselves on a tight budget. So that is one or like no, not one several symptoms of having high tyrant archetype.

Speaker 1:

So the healing lesson for the tyrant archetype is compassion for yourself and compassion for others, and knowing that being compassionate is not weak, but it's a superpower. So the questions that I would ask you if you were a client that has a high tyrant archetype is that when did you start believing that being soft is weak and what is something that you long to hear from your parents but you never heard growing up? Please say these words to yourself and I would also make you slow down and reconnect with your innocent archetype, your essence, and reconnect with your nature and reconnect with a time where things were a little bit simpler in your life and encourage you to redefine success. Again, these prompts are in the workbook and the workbook is found in the show notes. Now, my favorite archetype, which is the Fool archetype.

Speaker 1:

The Fool is sometimes the shadow part, like the shadow side of the magician, but not always so the deepest fear of the Fool is feeling scarcity and unworthy. So if you have a high Fool archetype, you spend money impulsively. You find yourself in debt all the time. You make a lot of money but you don't have anything to show for it, meaning that you make a lot of money, you can manifest a lot of abundance, but you don't know where it goes. You don't have any savings, you don't have any assets, there's nothing around you that is fulfilling. You buy and buy things but you're like I don't know where this junk was created. You're happy, go lucky with money. You're an adrenaline junkie and money is a way for you to kind of cope with all that. You're impulsive, you're reckless, you get carried away.

Speaker 1:

In the moment I say this laughing, because the Fool archetype is actually one of the easiest one, or like the simplest one, to heal. Basically, the Fool is really just protecting again, like the tyrant and the victim and the martyr they're. Really all they're doing is protecting that innocent archetype, okay, that younger part of you that is stuck in the pain, that is still fearing the pain, that is stuck in, like the emotional blocks that are stuck in your psyche. So the Fool archetype is a way for you to cope with the pain, okay, and, like I said, a high earner, able to attract a lot of money, but it slips through your fingers. So the belief is I better spend it all now. What if they sell out forever? What if there's not enough? I'm gonna buy this thing and buy in all the colors. Drinks are on me. So these are the typical things that a Fool archetype would say.

Speaker 1:

The healing lesson for a Fool archetype is that feeling is safe. It is safe to feel and it's very, very good to understand how that Fool archetypes feel in your body. A lot of my clients say that they feel this like manic restlessness in their body, and sometimes they feel it in their fingers or their hands or their feet. So I would say that the Fool archetype, most of the time, would be a flight response when it comes to money and the nervous system. So when you're in your Fool archetype, you're most likely in a flight response.

Speaker 1:

So if you are somebody that is finding yourself in a Fool archetype and you're at the mall or you're internet shopping, I would suggest that you disconnect from what you're doing and focus on your surroundings, look at like, turn off your computer or walk out of the mall and look around you and make sure that you ground yourself in the moment. Okay, because sometimes that adrenaline is rushing and you need to slow yourself down and just take a breath. So some breathing exercises, just nothing long, just few, maybe 10 deep breaths and then, when you're ready, when you feel clearer, ask yourself what are you trying to distract yourself from? Is there something that is happening that you're perhaps, on a subconscious level, detecting as fear or as a threat? What is the trigger? What is something that you're not wanting to feel? And remember, if you still want to spend money, remembering that it's not bad to spend money and you don't need to make yourself wrong for spending money just consult with your values. I talked about values in a previous episode. We also go into them in create fulfilling abundance, but I detailed them in one of the previous episodes from I think maybe five episodes ago. So how to find your values and just consult your values before you make any financial transaction. If you are someone that has a high full archetype, alright. So the next archetype oh, my goodness, it's such a long episode. Anyway, I love it. I hope you're enjoying it.

Speaker 1:

The next archetype is the creator artist. The creator artist archetype's deepest fear is being unauthentic, being inauthentic and being part of the problem. They are usually financially passive or avoidant. They are very conflicted with money. They love money for the freedom it buys, but has little desire to participate in the material world. They have the belief that money is evil and that money is materialistic and that they are not. They are always struggling financially and they're uncomfortable talking about money. I have a lot of creator artist archetypes that not clients that have a high creator artist archetype that have people that first people that owe them money but they're too fearful to ask them for the money that is owed. They also have bouts of people owing the money but they're too scared to invoice them. That is a telltale sign With.

Speaker 1:

The healing lesson for the creator artist I would say, is that money can be leveraged to create a better world. You can use money to create the world that you want to live in. You can create money to vote with your wallet. You can create money to encourage people, to create abundance for people that you want to encourage in life. Maybe money is not the root of all evil, because money in the hands of good people will create good results.

Speaker 1:

The last archetype, the eighth archetype, is the magician archetype. That part of you, that magician part of you, is there. Whether you have it in a high percentage in your money archetype chart or you don't. It is within you. All we need to do is to make it stronger. Sometimes the magician archetype is very strong. If it's not very strong, it might go into the full archetype if it's not balanced by the warrior. I want to see a good balance between the magician and the warrior, and that's something that we work towards all the time.

Speaker 1:

The magician part of you is that generous, that manifestor part, the co-creator. You co-create with the universe. You are mindful with money. You are balanced, you are trusting. You know that you're always, always going to be supported by the universe. You are self-aware, it feels safe for you to receive. You are unattached with money. So the creator artist is more detached, meaning oh, I don't want to look at money. The innocent archetype would more like attach oh, my God, give me money so I can feel safe. The magician archetype is like it's nice to have, it's good to have, I trust that it will come. So you are unattached with money because you're open to flow. You understand that money is simply a tangible form of life, energy, and it is part of the universal laws of giving and receiving.

Speaker 1:

So what I was saying, I want you to have a strong magician archetype. So I have a bunch of journal prompts that help you connect with the magician that is within you, that is in the workbook. But if just giving you one of them now is that, how can you create a stronger relationship with your intuition? So having a strong magician archetype is very, very strongly related with your relationship with your intuition. How can you carve out time every day to connect with yourself, to connect with your goals, to connect with your values? How do you make sure that the goals that you want for yourself are coming from your authentic self, they're coming from your magician and not coming from trauma. So With that I will conclude this episode.

Speaker 1:

I do hope that you found it helpful. So just head over to my website and do the Money Archetype quiz. You will receive your results and also get this little workbook. The instructions on how to receive this workbook are down in the show notes. Also, it could be helpful for you if you want to receive a Money Archetype strategy session so I can help you see what Money Archetypes are standing in the way of your financial goals. Then just hop to it, schedule a session with me. It's a 30 minute session and I will be able to help you understand what your Money Archetype results mean to you and how we can create a plan together.

Speaker 1:

So I will love you and leave you and I hope you enjoyed this podcast episode. I know it was more on the long side, but it will help you better understand yourself, better understand your subconscious beliefs when it comes to money. And I will be launching the next round of Create Fulfilling Abundance next month, in September. This is 2023, just in case you're listening to this sometime in the future. So Create Fulfilling Abundance is my 12-week live group coaching program and it will be launching again in September and there is a early bird discount that is going to go for the first three people to enroll. So get on the waitlist. Everything is in the show notes. Yeah, so love you and leave you. I will see you all next week. Bye for now.

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