UnF*ck Your Money
Welcome to Unf*ck Your Money with Nadine Zumot, Certified Money Coach ยฎ๏ธand Somatic Practitioner.
I combine financial coaching with Somatic Healing to help you thrive financially and beyond!
Through a blend of practical financial strategies, nervous system regulation and emotional healing I help you have the freedom and empowerment to positively impact the world and make a kick-ass career from your life purpose.
I was born in Amman, Jordan, and spent most of my adult life in Australia, France and the US. My well-rounded perspective on money has been informed by my experience living in different cultures, and my professional experience in personal finances, money archetypes, somatic healing, trauma release.
I currently live in Albuquerque, New Mexico with my partner Tommy, and our furbaby Arby.
And for those who are curious (I know I'd be!) I am a Leo Virgo Cuspie, 1/4 Mani Gen and I love cooking, reading, hiking and breakdancing!
With my direct, edgy and fun approach to money, the purpose of this podcast is to help you break through your financial blocks, release unhealthy money patterns, and cultivate a sexy and secure relationship with money!!
UnF*ck Your Money
Practical Tips to Build Financial Momentum in 2024
Get your Day 2 Financial Empowerment Series Gift ๐
Instead of all these "Go-Big-or-Go-Home" money goals that we all set with such gusto at the beginning of every year, only to lose steam by February, I am going to invite you to do something a lil' different...
Let's build financial momentum without the migraine. Let's accomplish our goals, but let's aim for sustainability and consistency, instead of going all in and then going into shutdown because of nervous system overwhelm.
In this episode:
- Discover how the art of small steps and deliberate daily actions can lead to profound shifts, creating a financial journey that's as much about fulfillment as it is about figures.
- Dive into the nitty-gritty of building an emergency fund,.
- Develop somatic financial awareness and learn how to cut unnecessary costs (goodbye, forgotten subscriptions!) to usher in a new reality of empowerment and being active participants of our financial lives.
I hope you love this episode!
Offers mentioned in this episode:
- Grab your Free Subscription Organizer HERE
- Join our next Money Healing workshop, Become A Savvy Spender by clicking here.
- Join CFA here.
Lots of love!
Thank you for being here โค๏ธ
To book a 1:1 Session with me, please go here.
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Connect with me on Instagram for free tips, inspo: https://www.instagram.com/nadinezumot/
~Podcast theme song by The Jilted Irony
Hello, hello and welcome back to the Money Healing Podcast. I'm your host, Nadine Zammelt. I am a holistic money coach and a functional somatic practitioner, and I am so excited to welcome you back to day number two of this podcast party that I'm hosting for you guys. So day number two is going to be all about these really cool financial tips that are designed to give you some momentum with your finances going into 2024. However, I really hope that you got a chance to listen to day number one, which was about emotional regulation, money and finances, and also I hope that you enjoyed your free gift, which is an ebook that I prepared for all of you. So, if you haven't yet, go back and listen to it after you are done with this episode. And also, this episode comes with its own free present. So it's, I'm telling you, it's a party, it's a podcast bonanza, and I'm so freaking excited about all this.
Speaker 1:So again today, day two. So today I will be offering you some practical financial tips to build financial momentum going into the new year, but what I really want to make clear here is that these tips may look like they are about saving a dollar here and there, but they are designed for a deeper purpose, okay, so you are going to save a fair bit of money using these tips and you are going to create a really good financial structure, because what we want is financial resilience and we want momentum. However, I just want to let you know that I have a deeper why behind what I'm sharing with you today. It's very strategic, okay, and what I want to say is that these are designed to have a deeper effect on your psyche and your nervous system on the long run. So you don't have to worry about this. You just you know, trust what I'm telling you, trust that I have your best intentions at heart, because what I want you know my personal motivation really behind this podcast series is I want for you, I want for all of us to take our power back.
Speaker 1:I want us to take us our power back from money. I want us to take our power back from scarcity, consciousness and from anything and everything that makes us feel less than our stellar self. Okay, there are things that we just can't walk away from. I mean, sometimes money is shit. You know, our financial circumstances are not as like we not as they quote unquote ought to be, or we would like them to be. But we can't silver line ourselves through life, okay, but what we can do is we can reclaim our power back from them, because if something scares us, it is taking our power away. If something worries us, it is robbing us from the enjoyment of the here and the now. If something makes us feel helpless, hopeless, powerless, then it is sucking out our life energy. So today I, um, like I said earlier, it's going to seem like it's a small, like, little small things that I'll be sharing, especially if you're in the personal development world, where everything is all about like go big or go home mentality, especially now, going into the end of the year, I could just see everyone like going big or going home and wanting to just like rush our way until the end of the year. Well, we don't want to do this here. Okay, I want you to actualize your big dreams. Big dreams are beautiful, but I want you to start thinking differently about them.
Speaker 1:Um, there's this really famous book called Atomic Habits and the author of that book I believe it's called James Quick correct me if I'm wrong, but um, there's a story in there that's very famous, where he got to um, he had one of his clients achieve a goal of losing I don't know how many pounds like it was a lot of pounds by telling their like he told his client to just drive and park his car by the gym for five minutes every day. Okay, he said, go park, park your car for five minutes at the gym and then come home. I think the story went like that. I can't really remember, but that person actually ended up losing that weight just because you know, just because they did these small, very small, yet mighty steps. So it's kind of. It's kind of like that. That's what I want to share with you today.
Speaker 1:Okay, so the big goal is for you to become financially empowered, whether that means getting out of debt, saving for a house, saving for an emergency fund, attracting business or learning how to hold an abundance. However that might mean for you, because you know, if you listen to this podcast episode now, your big picture financial goal is one thing, but if you listen to this in a year or even in six months, your big picture financial goal is going to be different. However, I'm going to teach you the tools that you can apply to any financial goal that you have, because, instead of going big or going home, we're going to try going small yet consistent. Okay, focusing on smaller goals that create momentum and a ripple effect, and these this is not just for your finances but also is going to affect your self-esteem Okay, because I want you to look back.
Speaker 1:You know I tend to do end of year reflections and they're not in these like go go go kind of like mentality. I do have my own spiritual practice around it and I like to look back at what worked during the year, what were the short or the shortcomings, or what were the delights and the surprises. And I like to look back and feel like, yeah, maybe there were some tangible goals that I have accomplished. However, it's how I felt throughout the year. Did I feel like I was frazzled and like I was running or like sprinting the whole time? Or did I achieve these things? Or accomplish these things from a place of spaciousness, from a place of grace, from a place of gentleness and kindness? Because that is what's going to stay with you. You know the tone and the flavor of how you did what you were set out to do, okay.
Speaker 1:But when we look back and we see that we had these big goals that we didn't even come close to accomplishing, our self-esteem gets deflated. Okay, I want you to look back at your year, a year from now, and I want you to feel proud of yourself instead of you know like, instead of just feeling like, oh yeah, fuck yeah, I did this it's more like I feel proud that I did whatever I did in a very well and sustained way, in consistency. Okay, big goals. When we have these big goals, they're not sustainable, they're good for the ego, they're good for that, like that adrenaline rush of like fuck yeah, I'm going to do this, it's going to be great, I'm going to break it down in two steps and then the first month goes by and you're like smashing your goals and then you lose. You lose momentum because it's not sustainable.
Speaker 1:We forget that we have other parts of our lives that are also involved in said goal. Okay, so when we have this big financial goal, we forget that the way we feel on a day to day basis is going to affect that financial goal. We're going to forget that the price of fuel and the price of groceries and a sick child or like a client, you know, you know that just pulls away from working with us the last minute all these things are going to affect us. So that's why we go slow and we build momentum and we leave space. We leave space for magic meaning. We leave space for life to happen, because that's what flow means. We create what we can create, but then we step back and we receive. We receive life because life is ever changing and money ebbs and flows and we go with that ebb and flow, but we do that from a place of centeredness, we do that from a place of self esteem, we do that from a place of knowing who the fuck we are.
Speaker 1:As opposed to going with, I'm going with the motions of life of oh my God, I feel really good, oh my God, I feel really bad. And I like to liken this to surfing the waves instead of being inside of the waves. I don't know if you've ever had this experience of being inside of the ocean when the wave is hitting and you're like ah, you know, like. You're like swallowing water and your bathers are like coming off and you're trying to hold on to your bathing suit and you're trying to breathe and come out of the wave, as opposed to being the surfer, being on top of the wave and going with it. You go with the wave, but you're on top, you're in charge of how you are feeling.
Speaker 1:Okay, because another thing and I know you know this I love talking about the nervous system and I love talking about the emotional, you know, aspect of all of this what, when we focus on accomplishing smaller things that contribute and have a ripple effect on the big picture, we are looking at slow and steady. And slow and steady is actually the best for our nervous system, especially if you have someone with a history of money wounds or CPTSD. Okay, so we are going to break this down into very small yet strategic steps that will gradually take you to the finish line in a, I don't know, like a nice soft job kind of way, as opposed to a sprint where you're just like dying right. So we're going to go nice and steady and consistent. We're going to build momentum in this way to create a transformation. We want to create a transformation, not just a superficial change in your finances. Okay, and I don't want you to freak your nervous system.
Speaker 1:That's another reason why sometimes, when we set these big goals and we maybe go and achieve them, you know, try to achieve them in the first bit and then we lose. We lose steam. It's not like we lose steam, it's because our nervous system gets overwhelmed, because we haven't stretched our window of tolerance to be able to tolerate the next level. And that's why my program, create fulfilling abundance, or CFA, is six months, because this needs time. The nervous system is not something that works on our human agenda, right. Like humans, we are all conditioned to just do, do, do, produce, produce, produce, be, be, be, like just go, go, go. But our nervous system doesn't actually operate like that, and when we overwhelm it, it will contract. That's why we have to go slow and that's why my programs are long. And building your window of tolerance is something that we definitely will cover in depth inside of CFA. If you'd like to join us, just check out the show notes or reach out to me and we can chat about that.
Speaker 1:So here is the first thing that I want you to focus on with these small yet mighty steps. I want you to start looking at your rainy day fund. Okay, so this is how I teach about the rainy day fund. I want you to start looking at your rainy day fund as something that you set up in a separate bank account. Okay, so I think that you bank with you know bank, I don't know. Let's just call it the RB Bank. For, as an example, I don't want your rainy day fund to be in your RB Bank. I want your rainy day fund to be in Liberty Bank, for example. I don't know if there's a Liberty Bank, but I'm trying to say two separate bank accounts, where these separate bank accounts are connected to each other somehow. But it will require a little bit of effort and thought and intention before you think about, you know, moving the money around.
Speaker 1:So sometimes people would advise you to put your, your emergency fund in some in a really difficult bank account to get to where you have to drive or whatever I don't. You know when there's an emergency, you don't want to mess around with that stuff. So something that is separate and then automated, okay. So if you are someone that receives a regular income from employment, for example, or maybe you're a freelancer or a coach or a healer and you receive regular income or more or less regular income, I want you to start getting into the habit of auto sending, like automatic sending there's a word for it, of course my brain sending money automatically every month to your rainy day fund until it's full. Because here's the thing. Having a too big of a rainy day fund is is not is not advisable either. We need to also feed our other goals and desires, and you know it's not all about emergencies, right?
Speaker 1:So how much you have that takes me to the next step is determining how much you have is according to you and your life phase. A lot of people are like you need to have three to six months, blah, blah, blah, but that's so. Um no, I don't really think that that's the rule that applies for everyone. It really is determined by you and your phase of life. Maybe you are in a phase of life where you are paying off debt. So right now, your focus is to pay off debt, and maybe your rainy day fund is going to take the backseat for a little bit. So what we need now is to have at least you know. I would say the minimum for that cushion is $1,200. Okay, of course, if you have children, let's. I mean $1,200 for a single person. Maybe if you are a parent that has three children and you know different circumstances, of course you might need more, but I would say, at a minimum, $1,000 to $2,000. Okay. So if you are in a life phase where you are paying off debt at the moment. I would still recommend that you have a cushion. It's still very, very important.
Speaker 1:One of my clients she um, she was making really good money, but all her so before she got a really good job, um, she had a lot of, she accrued a lot of debt and then she got herself a really good job, but all her savings, or everything that was not spent on her day to day life, like her rent and all of that and groceries, was 100% going into debt. But she like felt off about it and she felt like she was going more and more into debt because of it. And when she, when she came and started working with me, we worked on her, also in tandem, creating an emergency fund. And lo and behold, once that emergency fund. It started small. I think she set aside $1,000 in the beginning, but that gave her a lot of peace of mind where she wasn't, you know, in a continuous cycle of paying debt. We also set aside some money for her to have fun, because once you know when, when we're fixated on paying off debt, it feels like a punishment, and when we feel like we're punished, we rebel, right. So we created all these little systems for her and now she's debt free and also she doubled her income and manifested about like 30 grand in the beginning of of like December. So she's doing great, but it's all about these small tweaks that feel insignificant at the time.
Speaker 1:Okay, so when? Let me recap your rainy day fund needs to be in a separate bank account. Your rainy day fund needs to be at least 1,200 or two grand at least, depending on the phase of your life. And if you're in a phase of your life where you're building wealth and savings, then that's when you start considering bulking up that emergency fund. Again, your emergency fund really depends on your rainy day fund, whatever you want to call it, really depends on your life circumstances. Okay, the other thing is that when you dip into it which you definitely should, when you need to that's why it's there Treat it like you have debt, okay. So, for example, when was that? I think a while ago I had to really like deplete our emergency fund because our vehicle needed it. That was before we moved to Australia and I just added a line in our, in our bucket system, in our, in our spreadsheet. I teach that bucket system in CFA and I just treated it like debt and I paid it off and I paid myself back as if I was paying back alone, right, so that's how you do it, that's how you stay on top of it and also to build it, look around you.
Speaker 1:What is in your storage space, what is in your house? What can you sell that is going to maybe bulk up that, that rainy day fund? There are so many things that are lying around the house that can be sold on Facebook marketplace, on many other you know places. Maybe make a little like trade day with your friends where you all like do a declutter and then sell things to each other, for example. But what I'm trying to say is that you can bulk up that rainy day fund by looking at what's lying around the house and maybe you can sell that, because we also want to create space. Okay, so if you have something in your storage area or in your garage or your house that is taking up space, we need that space. That space is taken up by something that is no longer aligned with you. That's something that is no longer no turning you on or lighting you up. So creating space is actually very important. It's a very important step that we all overlook when we want to receive Everybody's like I want to receive more abundance and I asked the question of do you have space to receive? And decluttering your house, decluttering your inbox and decluttering these things is actually a way for you to create that space, and we are going to get into that more deeply in day three of this financial empowerment podcast party.
Speaker 1:But I'm going to move into the second tip, which is all about getting intimate with your numbers. In just a second I'm going to have a sip of my coffee. I do love a cup of really good coffee, so let's now talk about the next tip that I'd like to share. So in the last episode, which is I believe it was episode number 46 of the Money Healing podcast, but it's also episode number one of the Financial Empowerment series we talked about how money is emotional and how we can actually save a lot of money just through regulating our emotions, and I remember back in November of this year, I saved $12,000 because I was very aware of my nervous system, I was very aware of what's happening and I did consistent emotional regulation and I was able to save a really big chunk of money, which was, I think, 12k is a big chunk of money. So I want you to this is more of my invitation to help you, or invite you to start connecting somatically with your finances. So the reason why I was able to save 12K was because I was able to connect to what my body was doing.
Speaker 1:So, no-transcript, there is a lie that we've been fed that money is numbers. Money is not just numbers. Money is emotional and our emotions live in our body and when we're disconnected to our body, we are disconnected to our emotions. When we're disconnected to our body and our emotions, we are disconnected to financial, to financial empowerment pretty much. We then are just like robots, like looking at money as numbers, and we discount or override or disconnect from the fact that our emotions and how we feel has 99% to do with how we money right. So when I wanted to invest these 12k, I was feeling really agitated and anxious and I knew that being agitated and anxious and out of balance is not the best place to make any decision right. Investing 12k into whatever I wanted to invest it in at the time is actually not a bad idea. But once I came back to a place of balance, I realized that I was doing it out of trauma. I was doing it out of woundedness as opposed to from a place of abundance and self-leadership.
Speaker 1:Okay, so connecting somatically with your finances is not this like esoteric concept. It simply means allowing your body to have a say in how you money, because when we do that, we actually really connect with a deeper wisdom. Your body is wise and I bet you that your body has a lot to say, and it's not common out there for people to talk about how our bodies and our finances are connected. But once you start listening to your body, you don't have to action things straight away. It's about just allowing your body to speak, okay. So this is not about like, oh, I'm listening to my body and now I'm just gonna act too with my money, as my body is saying, I want you to to strip it down a little bit and take a couple of steps back. Don't take action yet, but just notice how your body feels when you are paying for groceries, for example. Notice how your body is feeling when you're listening to this podcast, because it's all about money. Notice how your body is feeling when you pay a bill. Okay, and we're gonna get deeper into that once. I share the next action step with you, alright. So just getting into that habit and listening to what it has to say, and that is going to inform you and give you a lot of information on the why behind your spending, especially if you're spending, if you're the type of person who spends money in a way that doesn't really make sense to you. Okay, you know this whole like money slips through my fingertips, I don't know where it goes all of the why behind that. Once you connect with your body, it will become apparent, okay.
Speaker 1:So this particular exercise that I'm gonna be sharing with you today is not to help you with your spending. Well, it is. It actually does help a lot with the spending, but the idea of it is to help you save, but also help you connect with your body when it comes to money. Remember, you're in this for the long haul. This is not one of those band-aid approaches where you are advised to eat beans and rice, beans and toast for six months, although there's nothing wrong with that. You know, some phases of our life will require that we scrimp and save to achieve a goal. Okay, but that's a short-term, quick fix, and quick fixes are not sustainable. They might be sustainable for a short amount of time, but my objective here is to help you transform, not just change.
Speaker 1:And the reason why I brought up your rainy day fund today is because operating from a place of fear and survival will cut you off from your creativity and power, and these two things creativity and power are the actual, real sources of your abundance. It's not your actual rainy day fund or your multiple savings accounts or whatever that are your sources of abundance. Okay, your security and abundance comes from that moment where you feel relaxed in your nervous system and you're able to create and and act and respond to life in a creative, expansive way. That is why we talked about the rainy day fund. Okay, of course it's important to have that. Of course I understand the practicality of money. I'm not like I don't live in this world with my head in the sand, but I just want you to know that there is a deeper why behind that. Okay, so, if you like, what you have in your bank account is not the source of your abundance. I'm trying to say that what you have in your bank account is not the source of your abundance. It may be the source of your financial security, but your abundance cannot come from an external source that naturally ebbs and flows, because then how we feel about ourselves will also ebb and flow. So what I'm trying to do here is helping your nervous system to relax and trust by giving you the small yet mighty tips that will sustainably create forward momentum.
Speaker 1:And now we're gonna move on to the second step, which is also gift number two, and this gift is an organizer for your Subscriptions, and the organizer this organizer, that you can get just by going on the show notes. I think I will call it gift to. Yeah, so go on the show notes and download your, your subscription organizer, and it's gonna help you in a multitude of ways. It's designed. I designed it to help you keep track of your personal and business subscriptions, and I even created tabs in it to For you to keep. I created tabs for you to keep tabs. I created tabs for you to keep, to be like In touch with your annual and your monthly subscriptions as well. We all have a gazillion apps these days and it's very hard to keep track of, so this tool will be very, very helpful for you for that.
Speaker 1:I first came across this Idea from my program, like one of the programs that I completed last year, which is called the trauma of money, but I took the, the raw material material that they gave me, and I built upon that using what I do in my personal and my business finances. Okay, so I give credit where credit is due, but also I give myself credit that I built upon that using structures and Tips that I use in my day-to-day life. Okay, so this Little tracker or organizer is gonna help you start connecting with your finances on a somatic level as well. So it has multiple. It has multiple what's it called benefits. So inside the organizer, you are going to be prompted to question Each of your subscriptions. Okay, and this is gonna help you to get started with bringing more awareness To how your body is feeling and reacting to each of these expenses, because that could be potentially a way for you to know if this expense is adding value to your life or not.
Speaker 1:You might even discover like so, to go through your subscriptions, I would highly recommend that you look at your bank accounts or your statements, or your internet banking. Eight for, like the past year, because some Subscriptions are annual and we forget about them, and I even have a subscription that is once every two years that I nearly forgot about. Okay, so you might. When you go back, you might even discover some legacy subscriptions that you completely forgot about or you never use and, of course, you don't use it. Let it go right. Also, you might give you another opportunity of looking at what else is out there. Maybe that subscription doesn't suit you anymore. Maybe there's something else out there that might.
Speaker 1:So this is a small yet Mighty little exercise to help you be more organized and be actively involved, even in the smallest aspects of your finances. Because even if a part of you is like, ah, it's just $12 a month, that's not too much. Well, yes, it's true, maybe to you, $12 a month isn't much, but when you have a handful of subscriptions that you feel about and they're just like $10, $8, $12, these will these will add up over across a year. Okay. So remember again, this is not just about the dollars. This is about you being an active participant in your, in your finances, and for you to feel more empowered with every single Decision that you make with your money. So grab this free gift in the link below that is in the show notes. Enjoy it. Share it with a friend, share this episode, share this whole podcast with friends who could use some money healing right now. And, of course, hit me up, hit me up, hit me up, hit me up if you have any questions.
Speaker 1:I also have a workshop for you that is happening on January 8th, and that workshop is all about how to become a savvy spender, and In this workshop, I'm going to teach you what type of spender you are, how your nervous system responds to spending money and how you can base your Spending on your values and how to identify what triggers you to emotionally spend and uncover the real reason why you overspend. And, of course, we're going to wrap it up with what you can do about this, how you can take your power back from this. So this is happening June 8th at 1 30 pm PST. The recording will be available. If you can't make it, the link is in the show notes and if you are part of the money sanctuary, which is my community, you will get access to that Workshop, as as well as all my other workshops that are going to be rolling out in 2024, for free, okay.
Speaker 1:So If you want to go deeper, of course you are more than welcome to check out my six month program create fulfilling abundance. This is the program, the most comprehensive program out there, not just, you know, in relation to what I offer, but I've never seen a program out there that really Connects healing with proper financial systems and management, as well as manifestation, because I am, you know, I'm all about the healing, but I also have a background in accounting and a really good, robust background in personal finance, and also I do have a beautiful spiritual practice that I would love to teach you, which is all about Manifesting and creating fulfilling abundance. So it is broken down into three phases heal, empower and manifest and I designed it to be this really nice balance between video lessons and online community. And you know, live I was gonna say in person, but it's as in person as it could be. You know, on the zoom live Group coaching sessions that happen three times a month, I might add, more the more I have participants. So we have eight women right now in it and we're gonna open new cohorts because I really like these small, intimate groups.
Speaker 1:So just reach out if you'd like more information. I will also leave a link in the show notes and you will also get access to my program, my other course, which is called money healing 101? All right, everyone, I love you and leave you. I hope you got lots of Value out of today's episode. Don't forget to Grab your free present and I'll see you Very soon for the third day of this financial empowerment series. Bye for now.